Welcome to MathCracker.com, the place where you will find more than 300 (and growing by the day!) Math and Statistics calculators.

Our calculators offer step by step solutions to majority of the most common math and statistics tasks that students will need in their college (and also high school) classes.

Check out below the ample variety of step-by-step online calculators offered by our website:

Trigonometric Expression Evaluator

Instructions: Use this Trigonometric Expression Evaluator to evaluate expressions such as \'sin(pi ...

Negative Predictive Value Calculator

Instructions: This Negative Predictive Value Calculator computes the negative predictive value ) ...

Positive Predictive Value Calculator

Instructions: This Positive Predictive Value Calculator computes the positive predictive value ) ...

Test Specificity Calculator

Instructions: This Specificity Calculator computes the specificity of a test, showing step-by-step ...

Test Sensitivity Calculator

Instructions: This Sensitivity Calculator computes the sensitivity of a test, showing all the. ...

Covariance Calculator

Instructions: Use this Covariance Calculator to find the covariance coefficient between two ...

Deviation Score Calculator

Instructions: This Deviation Score Calculator will compute the deviation with respect to the mean ...

Standard Deviation Percentile Calculator

Instructions: Use this one to calculate the percentile from the mean and standard deviation. ...

Degrees of Freedom Calculator Paired Samples

Instructions: This Degrees of Freedom Calculator will calculate the number of degrees of freedom ...

Degrees of Freedom Calculator Two Samples

Instructions: This Degrees of Freedom Calculator will indicate the number of degrees of freedom ...

Degrees of Freedom Calculator One Sample

Instructions: This Degrees of Freedom Calculator will indicate the number of degrees of freedom ...

Interquartile Range Calculator

Instructions: This interquartile range calculator will calculate the IQR, showing step-by-step ...

Decile Calculator

Instructions: This decile calculator will calculate a decile that you specify, showing step-by ...

Quartile Calculator

Instructions: This quartile calculator will calculate a quartile you specify, showing step-by-step ...

Fraction to Percentage Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step fraction to percentage calculator to compute what percentage ...

Percentage Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step percentage calculator to compute what percentage a number (D) ...

Pooled Proportion Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Pooled Proportion Calculator to compute the pooled proportion for ...

Weighted Average Calculator

Instructions: Use this Weighted Average Calculator to compute the weighted average of a set of ...

Ogive Graph Maker

Instructions: Use this Ogive Graph Maker to construct a cumulative frequency polygon based on a ...

Frequency Polygon Graph Maker

Instructions: Use this Frequency Polygon Graph Maker to construct a frequency polygon based on a ...

Sample Variance of Grouped Data Calculator

Instructions: Use this Sample Variance of Grouped Data Calculator to find the sample variance for ...

Sample Mean of Grouped Data Calculator

Instructions: Use this Sample Mean of Grouped Data Calculator to find the sample mean when you ...

Coefficient of Determination Calculator

Instructions: Use this Coefficient of Determination Calculator to compute the coefficient of ...

Residual Plot Grapher

Instructions: Use this Residual Plot Grapher to construct a residual plot for the value obtained ...

Regression Predicted Values Calculator

Instructions: Use this Regression Predicted Values Calculator to find the predicted values by a ...

Regression Residuals Calculator

Instructions: Use this Regression Residuals Calculator to find the residuals of a linear ...

Sample Min Calculator

Instructions: Use this sample min calculator to get the minimum value (the smallest value) from ...

Relative Frequency Graph Maker

Instructions: Use this Relative Frequency Graph Maker to create a bar chart with relative ...

Markov’s Inequality calculator

Instructions: Use Markov\'s Inequality calculator to estimate an upper bound of the probability of ...

Frequency Table Calculator

Instructions: Use this Frequency Table Calculator to construct a frequency table associated with ...

Summation Calculator

Instructions: Use this Summation Calculator to get the sum of all the values from a sample ...

Period and Frequency Calculator

Instructions: Use this Period and Frequency Calculator to find the period and frequency of a given ...

Trigonometric Function Grapher

Instructions: Use this Trigonometric Function Grapher to obtain the graph of any trigonometric ...

Half Life Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Half Life Calculator, to find the half-life for a function ...

Standard Normal Distribution Probability Calculator

Instructions: Use this Standard Normal Distribution Probability Calculator to compute ...

Logarithmic Function Graph maker

Instructions: This Logarithmic Function Graph maker allows you to plot a logarithmic function, or ...

Bayes Rule Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Bayes Rule Calculator to reverse conditional probabilities ...

Average Rate of Change Calculator

Instructions: Use Average Rate of Change Calculator, to get a step-by-step calculation of the ...

Exponential Function Graph maker

Instructions: This Exponential Function Graph maker will allow you to plot an exponential, ...

Stirling Approximation Calculator

Instructions: Use this Stirling Approximation Calculator, to find an approximation for the ...

Contingency Table Calculator

Instructions: This Contingency Table Calculator will help you create a contingency table (also ...

Spearman’s Critical Correlation Calculator

Instructions: Use this Spearman\'s Critical Correlation Calculator to find the critical values for ...

Exponential Function Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Exponential Function Calculator, to find the function that ...

Exponential Growth Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Exponential Growth Calculator with steps to find the function ...

Multinomial Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: Use this Multinomial Coefficient Calculator to compute showing all the steps a ...

Meters per Second to Miles Per hour

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Meters per Second to Miles Per hour Calculator, to convert a ...

Feet to Miles

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Feet to Miles Calculator, to compute amount of miles ...

Multiple Correlation Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: Use this Multiple Correlation Coefficient Calculator for a multiple linear. ...

Infinite Geometric Series Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Geometric Series Calculator, to compute the sum of an infinite ...

Completing the Square

Instructions: Use this step-by-step calculator for Completing the Square, by providing a quadratic ...

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Means Calculator for Unknown Population Variances

Instructions: Use this step-by-step calculator for a confidence interval for the difference ...

Confidence Interval for Mean Calculator for Unknown Standard Deviation

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for Mean Calculator, with unknown ...

Confidence Interval for Mean Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for Mean Calculator, with known population ...

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Means Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step calculator for a confidence interval for the difference ...

Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Proportions Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for the Difference Between Proportions ...

Confidence Interval for Ratio of two Variances Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for Ratio of two Variances Calculator ( ...

Confidence Interval for Proportion Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for Proportion Calculator, by providing ...

Confidence Interval for Variance Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Confidence Interval for Variance and Standard Deviation ...

Sample Variance Calculator

Instructions: Use this Sample Variance Calculator to compute, showing all the steps the sample ...

Residual Sum of Squares Calculator

Instructions: Use this residual sum of squares to compute (SS_E), the sum of squared deviations of ...

Regression Sum of Squares Calculator

Instructions: Use this regression sum of squares calculator to compute (SS_R), the sum of squared ...

Raw Score Calculator

Instructions: Use this Raw Score Calculator to transform a z-score into a raw score. Please ...

Sum of Squares Calculator

Instructions: This Sum of Squares Calculator will help you compute the sum of squares associated ...

Percentile to Z-score Calculator

Instructions: This Percentile to Z-score Calculator will compute the z-score associated to a given ...

Z-Score to Percentile Calculator

Instructions: This Z-Score to Percentile Calculator will compute the percentile associated to a Z ...

Law of Multiplication Calculator

Instructions: Use this Law of Multiplication calculator to compute the probability Pr(AcapB)\Pr(A cap B). ...

Law of Addition Calculator

Instructions: Use this Law of Addition calculator to compute the probability (Pr(A cup B)). Please ...

Conditional Probability Calculator

Instructions: Use this Conditional Probability calculator to compute the conditional probability ...

Total Probability Rule Calculator

Instructions: Use this step-by-step Total Probability Rules calculator to compute the probability ...

Prediction Interval Calculator for a Regression Prediction

Instructions: Use this prediction interval calculator for the mean response of a regression ...

Confidence Interval Calculator for a Regression Prediction

Instructions: Use this confidence interval calculator for the mean response of a regression ...

Five Number Summary Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample data below and this calculator will provide step-by-step ...

Chi-Square Distribution Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute Chi-Square distribution probabilities. Please type in ...

F Distribution Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute F-distribution probabilities. Please type in the ...

Mean Squared Deviation Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample data below and this calculator will provide step-by-step ...

R Squared to Adjusted R Squared calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute the adjusted R-Squared coefficient from the R-squared ...

Adjusted R Squared Calculator for Multiple Regression

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute the adjusted R-Squared coefficient for a multiple ...

Adjusted R Squared Calculator for Simple Regression

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute the adjusted R-Squared coefficient for a simple ...

Finite Population Correction Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to estimate the effect of a finite population on the calculation ...

McNemar’s Test Calculator

Instructions: Use this McNemar test calculator calculator to compute the results of applying ...

Mean Absolute Deviation Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample data below and this calculator will provide step-by-step ...

MidRange Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample data below and the solver will provide step-by-step calculation of ...

Calculator of Mean And Standard Deviation for a Probability Distribution

Instructions: You can use step-by-step calculator to get the mean ((mu)) and standard deviation ( ...

Polynomial Regression Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Multiple Linear Regression Calculator to estimate a linear model by ...

Multiple Linear Regression Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Multiple Linear Regression Calculator to estimate a linear model by ...

Probability to Odds Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Probability to Odds Calculator to compute the odds for the ...

Odds to Probability Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Odds to Probability Calculator to compute the probability of an ...

Hypergeometric Probability Calculator

Instructions: Use this Hypergeometric Probability Calculator to compute hypergeometric ...

Semi-Partial Correlation Calculator

Instructions: This tool will show you step-by-step calculations of the semi-partial correlations ...

Partial Correlation Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Partial Correlation Calculator to compute the corresponding partial ...

Coefficient of Variation Calculator

Instructions: In order to use this Coefficient of Variation Calculator, please provide the sample ...

Correlation Coefficient Significance Calculator using p-value

Instructions: Use this Correlation Coefficient Significance Calculator to enter the sample ...

Correlation Matrix Calculator

Instructions: This correlation matrix calculator will provide you with a correlation matrix for a ...

Outlier Calculator

Instructions: Use this outlier calculator by entering your sample data. This calculator will show ...

Normal Probability Plot Maker

Instructions: Use this Normal Probability Plot maker by entering the sample data below and this ...

Inverse Cumulative Standard Normal Probability Calculator

Instructions: Compute the inverse cumulative score for the standard normal probability. ...

Power Calculator Minimum Sample Size – Testing for One Mean

Instructions: This statistical power calculator computes, showing all the steps, the minimum ...

Power Calculator – Testing for One Mean

Instructions: This power calculator computes, showing all the steps, the probability of making a ...

Percentile Calculator for Grouped Data

Instructions: This percentile calculator for grouped data will calculate a percentile you specify, ...

Percentile Calculator

Instructions: This percentile calculator will calculate a percentile you specify, showing step-by ...

Effect Size Calculator for the T-Statistic

Instructions: This effect size calculator for the t-statistic allows you to compute the value of ^ ...

Chebyshev’s Rule Calculator

Instructions: This Chebyshev\'s Rule calculator will show you how to use Chebyshev\'s Inequality ...

Empirical Rule Calculator

Instructions: This Empirical Rule calculator will show you how to use the Empirical Rule to ...

Cross Product Calculator

Instructions: Use this online Cross Product Calculator to compute the cross product for two three ...

Dot Product Calculator

Instructions: Use this online Dot Product Calculator to compute the dot product for two vectors ) ...

Permutation Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: You can use this permutation coefficient calculator to compute (P_{n,k}), for two ...

Combinatorial Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: You can use this combinatorial coefficient calculator to compute \"n choose k\",( ...

Calculator of the Factorial of a Number

Instructions: You can use this factorial calculator to compute the factorial of an integer number ...

Spearman Correlation Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Spearman Correlation Calculator tool to compute Spearman\'s ...

Pooled Variance Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the pooled variance and standard deviation for two given ...

Effect Size Calculator – Cohen’s d

Instructions: This Effect Size Calculator will compute the value of Cohen\'s d for you, showing ...

Harmonic Mean Calculator

Instructions: Use this Harmonic Mean Calculator by entering the sample data below and the solver ...

Chi-Square Test of Independence

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Chi-Square test of independence. Please first indicate ...

Minimum Sample Size Required Calculator – Estimating a Population Proportion

Instructions: This calculator finds the minimum sample size required to estimate a population ...

Poisson Distribution Calculator

Instructions: Compute Poisson distribution probabilities using the form below. Please type the ...

Z-test: One Population Proportion

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Z-test for one population proportion (p). Please select ...

Area and Volume of a Cube

Instructions: Use this Area and Volume of a Cube calculator by entering the side (l) of a cube and ...

System of 2×2 linear Equations – Online Solver

Instructions: This tool it find solutions for a system of two simultaneous linear equations with ...

Descriptive Statistics Calculator

Instructions: Use this Descriptive Statistics Calculator to enter the sample data below and the ...

Relative Risk Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the Relative Risk for a 2x2 crosstabulation, which measures ...

Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test Calculator

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test for two independent samples. This ...

Angle Conversion between Degrees and Radians

Instructions: Use this solver to convert angles from degrees to radians, or from radians to. ...

Area and Volume of a Pyramid

Instructions: Using this Area and Volume of a Pyramid calculator by entering the side (l) and the ...

Correlation Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: You can use this step-by-step Correlation Coefficient Calculator for two variables X ...

One Way ANOVA Calculator

Instructions: This calculator conducts One-Way ANOVA for a group of samples, with the purpose of ...

Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Calculator

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test for two paired samples. This ...

T-test for One Population Mean

Instructions: This calculator conducts a t-test for one population mean ((sigma)), with unknown ...

Greatest Common Divisor Calculator

Instructions: Use this Greatest Common Divisor Calculator to compute the Greatest Common Divisor ...

Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Chi-Square test for goodness of fit. Please enter the ...

Mean and Standard Deviation Calculator

Instructions: Use this Mean and Standard Deviation Calculator by entering the sample data below ...

T-test for Paired Samples

Instructions: This calculator conducts a t-test for two paired samples. This test applies when you ...

Harmonic Mean Calculator

Instructions: Use this Harmonic Mean Calculator by entering the sample data below and the solver ...

Kruskal-Wallis Test Calculator

Instructions: This calculator conducts Kruskal-Wallis Test, which is non-parametric alternative to ...

T-Distribution Probability Calculator

Instructions: Use this T-Distribution Probability Calculator to Compute t-distribution ...

Geometric Sequence Calculator

Instructions: This algebraic calculator will allow you to compute elements of a geometric. ...

Box Plot Maker

Instructions: The following graphical tool creates a box plot on the data you provide in the. ...

Lambda Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the value of Lambda, which measures the strength of the ...

Time Series Plot

Instructions: Use this Time Series Plot Maker to create a time series plot using the form below. ...

Fraction Reduction to Lowest Terms

Instructions: Reduce a fraction to its lowest (simplest) terms using this calculator. Type the ...

Gamma Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: This Gamma Coefficient Calculator computes the value of Gamma, which measures the ...

Stem-and-Leaf Plot Maker

Instructions:The following graphical tool creates a Stem-and-Leaf on the data you provide in the ...

Function Grapher Online

Instructions: Use this Function Grapher Online to type in the function you want to plot. Most ...

Bar Chart Maker

Instructions: The following graphical tool creates a bar graph based on the data you provide in ...

Histogram Maker

Instructions: The following graphical tool creates a histogram based on the data you provide in ...

Correlation Coefficient Significance

Instructions: Enter the sample correlation (r), sample size (n) and the significance level ), ...

Phi Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Phi Coefficient calculator by first indicating the number of ...

Critical Z-Values

Instructions: Compute critical z-values for the normal distribution probabilities using the form ...

Calculate Area and Perimeter of a Circle

Instructions: Enter the radius (r) of a circle and the unit (cm, mt, ft, etc) and the solver will ...

Area and Volume of a Sphere

Instructions: Use this Area and Volume of a Sphere calculator by entering the radius (r) of a ...

Cramer’s V Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the value of Cramer\'s V. Please first indicate the number ...

Critical Correlation Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample size (n) and the significance level (alpha) and the solver will ...

Poisson Distribution Calculator

Instructions: Compute Poisson distribution probabilities using the form below. Please type the ...

Z-test: One Population Proportion

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Z-test for one population proportion (p). Please select ...

Area and Volume of a Cube

Instructions: Use this Area and Volume of a Cube calculator by entering the side (l) of a cube and ...

System of 2×2 linear Equations – Online Solver

Instructions: This tool it find solutions for a system of two simultaneous linear equations with ...

Descriptive Statistics Calculator

Instructions: Use this Descriptive Statistics Calculator to enter the sample data below and the ...

Phi Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: You can use this Phi Coefficient calculator by first indicating the number of ...

Critical Z-Values

Instructions: Compute critical z-values for the normal distribution probabilities using the form ...

Calculate Area and Perimeter of a Circle

Instructions: Enter the radius (r) of a circle and the unit (cm, mt, ft, etc) and the solver will ...

Area and Volume of a Sphere

Instructions: Use this Area and Volume of a Sphere calculator by entering the radius (r) of a ...

Cramer’s V Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the value of Cramer\'s V. Please first indicate the number ...

Pie Chart Maker

Instructions: The following Pie Chart Maker creates a pie chart based on the data you provide in ...

Kruskal-Wallis Test Calculator

Instructions: This calculator conducts Kruskal-Wallis Test, which is non-parametric alternative to ...

T-Distribution Probability Calculator

Instructions: Use this T-Distribution Probability Calculator to Compute t-distribution ...

Geometric Sequence Calculator

Instructions: This algebraic calculator will allow you to compute elements of a geometric. ...

Box Plot Maker

Instructions: The following graphical tool creates a box plot on the data you provide in the. ...

Lambda Coefficient Calculator

Instructions: This calculator computes the value of Lambda, which measures the strength of the ...

Time Series Plot

Instructions: Use this Time Series Plot Maker to create a time series plot using the form below. ...

Mean and Standard Deviation Calculator

Instructions: Use this Mean and Standard Deviation Calculator by entering the sample data below ...

T-test for Paired Samples

Instructions: This calculator conducts a t-test for two paired samples. This test applies when you ...

Harmonic Mean Calculator

Instructions: Use this Harmonic Mean Calculator by entering the sample data below and the solver ...

Chi-Square Test of Independence

Instructions: This calculator conducts a Chi-Square test of independence. Please first indicate ...

Minimum Sample Size Required Calculator – Estimating a Population Proportion

Instructions: This calculator finds the minimum sample size required to estimate a population ...

T-test for two Means – Unknown Population Standard Deviations

Instructions: Use this T-Test Calculator for two Independent Means calculator to conduct a t-test ...

In case you have any suggestion, or if you would like to report a broken solver/calculator, please do not hesitate to contact us .

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