Our site contains a variety of Calculus Calculators and Solvers that can greatly help you with your Calculus classes and homework. We have a variety of solvers that include expression evaluators, equation solvers, systems of equations, etc. If you have any suggestion about solvers that should be included, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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See the Calculus Solvers you can find in our website

Derivative Calculator

Instructions: Use this derivative calculator to find the derivative of a function you provide, showing all the steps of the process. Please type the function you want to calculate the derivative for in the box below.

Derivative Rules

Instructions: Use this derivative calculator to find the derivative of any function you provide, using the most common derivative rules, showing all the steps. Please type the function you want to apply derivative rules in the form box below.

Partial Derivative Calculator

Instructions: Use this partial derivative calculator to find the derivative of a function of more than one variable that you provide with respect to a specific variable, showing all the steps of the process. Please type the function you want to calculate the derivative for in the box below.

Implicit differentiation calculator

Instructions: Use this implicit differentiation calculator to compute derivative dydx\frac{dy}{dx}, when xx and yy are linked via an equation. Provide an equation that involves x and y in the form box below.

Linear Approximation Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute the linear approximation for a given function at a given point you provide, showing all the steps. Please type in the function and the point in the form box below.

Tangent Line Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to compute the tangent line for a given function, at a given point, showing all the steps. Please type in the function and the corresponding point in the form box below.

Product Rule

Instructions: Use this calculator so use the Product Rule, to differentiate a given function, showing all the steps. Please type in the function you want to find the derivative in the form box below.

Quotient Rule

Instructions: Use this Quotient Rule calculator to find the derivative of function involving quotients that you provide , showing all the steps. Please type the function in the form box below.

Second Derivative Calculator

Instructions: Use second derivative calculator to compute the second derivative (this is, the derivative of the derivative) of any differentiable function that you provide, showing all the steps. Please type the function in the form box below.

Differential Calculator

Instructions: Use this differential calculator, to find the differential of a function you provide, at a given point that you provide, showing all the steps. Please type the function and the point in the form box below.

Trig Derivatives

Instructions: Use trig derivative calculator to compute the derivative of any function you provide that involves trigonometric functions, showing all the steps. Please type the function you want to differentiate in the form box below.

Chain Rule Calculator

Instructions: Use this Chain Rule calculator to compute the derivative of any composite function you provide, showing all the steps. Please type function you want to apply the Chain rule for in the form box below.

Inverse Trig Derivatives

Instructions: Use this calculator to find derivatives of inverse trig functions, showing all the steps. Please type the function that contains an inverse trig function in the form box below.

Gradient Calculator

Instructions: Use this gradient calculator to compute the vector of partial derivatives for a multivariate function that you provide, showing all the steps. Please type the multivariable function in the form box below.

Difference Quotient Calculator

Instructions: Use this calculator to find the difference quotient of any function that you provide, showing all the steps. Please use the form below to type a valid function:

In case you have any suggestion, or if you would like to report a broken solver/calculator, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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