Stem-and-Leaf Plot Maker

Instructions: The following graphical tool creates a Stem-and-Leaf on the data you provide in the box below.

Name of the variable (Optional)

More About Stem Plots

What is a Stem-plot? A stem-and-leaf plot is a chart tool that has a similar purpose as the histogram, and it is used to quickly assess distributional properties of a sample (the shape of its probability distribution). The specific advantage of the stem-and-leaf plot over a histogram is that the stem-and-leaf plot, aside from showing the distributional properties of a sample, it allows you to reconstruct the sample . This means that with an histogram you cannot really know what sample it come from, but with the stem-and-leaf plot you actually can have the sample that it came from.

You can also try our Pareto Chart maker , scatterplot grapher and pie chart maker .

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