Multiple Correlation Coefficient Calculator
Instructions: Use this Multiple Correlation Coefficient Calculator for a multiple linear regression. Please input the data for the independent variables and the dependent variable (), in form below, and the step-by-step calculations will be shown:
Multiple Correlation Coefficient
The multiple correlation coefficient is a numerical measure of how well a linear regression model fits a set of data .
Technically speaking, it is the simple correlation coefficient for dependent variable values and the predicted values that are obtained with the least squares multiple linear regression
but it can also be computed , where is the sum of regression squares and is the total sum of squares, because that way is a bit simpler by following some (intensive) matrix calculations .
What are the limits of multiple correlation coefficient?
For the case of a simple linear regression, the correlation coefficient may range from -1 to 1. For the case of the multiple correlation coefficient, it ranges from 0 to 1.
Other associated calculators
If you need to estimate the regression model instead, you can use this multiple linear regression calculator .