Use this calculator to find derivatives of inverse trig functions, showing all the steps. Please type the function that contains an
inverse trig function in the form box below.
Inverse Trig Derivatives
With this calculator you will be able to compute derivatives of inverse trig functions, showing all the steps of the process.
The idea is that the function you provide contains an inverse trig function, for example f(x) = x^2/arctan(x+1), just to give an example.
When you are ready and are done typing the function you need to differentiate, click on the "Calculate" button in order to see all the steps of the process and calculations.
The idea of calculating derivatives of inverse trig functions is a natural one, and we will see in the next paragraphs that they can be directly derived from the
trig derivatives that you know.
Inverse Trig Functions
In simple terms, the inverse trig function are those function that when evaluating them at the corresponding trig function, they lead to the identity. For example,
if we consider the function sin(x), its inverse function is arcsin(x), and this inverse has the property that
as well as
for all x on a certain interval. So strictly, arcsin(x) is the inverse function of sin(x) from an algebraic point of view. And the same goes for the other
inverse trig functions and their corresponding trig functions.
Inverse Trig Derivatives calculation
So then, if f is a function, and it has an inverse f−1, then we have that
for all x. Then, if we differentiate both sides of the equality, and we use the Chain Rule on the left side, we get
Now, if we set y=f(x), then x=f−1(y), which leads to
How do we use this for inverse trig functions? Assume f(x)=sin(x) and f−1(x)=arcsin(x). Then, according to the general relationship
between the derivative of a function and the derivative of its inverse, we get
The rest of inverse trig derivatives are obtained with similar argument.
What are the 6 basic inverse trig functions?
Interestingly enough, when computing the derivative of inverse trig functions, none of the inverse trig derivatives involve either trig functions or inverse trig functions.
Applications of derivative of inverse trigonometric functions
Trig functions and their derivatives, as well as inverse trig functions and their derivatives form part of the inventory of basic functions and operations, used
as building blocks, for creating more complicated functions.
Although trig functions will appear more often in applications than inverse trig functions, the latter also have a clear place in Calculus, especially
when differentiating and using the partial fractions decomposition method.
Tips and tricks
Don't forget that the derivatives of inverse trig functions can be extremely useful, especially when integrating terms that have a quadratic denominator.
Also, it is easy to make mistakes when computing inverse trig derivatives by definition, you could definitely benefit from using a derivative calculator
that will show the steps, or that you can use to check your work.
Example: Inverse Trig Derivatives
Calculate the derivative of: f(x)=x+arcsin(x2)
Solution: For this first example, we will analyze f(x)=x+arcsin(x2). This function involves
an inverse trig function, compounded with another function. Let's compute its derivative:
By linearity, we know dxd(x+arcsin(x2))=dxd(x)+dxd(arcsin(x2)), so plugging that in:
But we know already that dxd(x)=1
By using the Chain Rule: dxd(arcsin(x2))=1−(x2)2dxd(x2)
In this case we use the Power Rule for polynomial terms: dxd(x2)=2x
which then leads to
Answer: We can conclude that derivative of the function is:
We can see both the function and its derivative in the following graph:
Example: More inverse trig derivatives
Consider the following function: f(x)=xarcsin(x), compute its derivative.
Solution: Now for the second example, we have the function f(x)=xarcsin(x).
The Quotient Rule applies in this case: dxd(xarcsin(x))=x2x⋅dxd(arcsin(x))−arcsin(x)⋅dxd(x)
Derivatives for inverse trig functions can be derived simply from the derivatives of basic trig derivatives, and that is why
we also consider them within the group of basic derivatives to learn or even memorize.