Letters to Numbers
Instructions: Use this tool to convert letters or characters to numbers, using a certain encoding you specify. Please type or paste the letter you want to convert in the spreadsheet below.
Letters to Numbers Conversion
The idea of this calculator is to help you with the task of converting letters into numbers, by using a coding schema which you specified among those in the drop-down menu.
You will be able to choose between the A1Z26 or the ASCII coding. So, after you have provided all the information provided, you can click on "Calculate" to get the result of the conversion.
In the next sections we will talk about different coding schemes or ciphers that are commonly used.
The Simplest of all: What is the A to Z Number Cipher?
The A to Z number cipher is a simple substitution cipher where each letter of the alphabet is assigned to a corresponding number. The way it is assigned is shown below:
- A = 1
- B = 2
- C = 3
- ...
- Z = 26
This cipher is dated to have been originated a long time ago, but yet it still finds its way in puzzles, games, and even in some forms of basic encryption.

The Reverse Process: How to Convert Letters to Numbers?
Converting letters to numbers is the reverse process to converting numbers to letters: you are now given a letter and you associate a number to it. This is fairly simple in the case of the A to Z cipher (or A1Z26 cipher as it is also known):
- Clearly identify the letter you wish to convert.
- Find its position in the alphabet.
- Assign the letter to the corresponding number of the position found.
For example, if you want to convert the word "CAT", by analyzing the corresponding position of each of the letters:
- C = 3
- A = 1
- T = 20
Thus, "CAT" would be represented as 3-1-20.
Using Letters to Numbers in Geocaching and Puzzle Games
Geocaching is an activity in which people hide and seek containers, using GPS or different devices that offer positional system such a mobile phone. It is a very popular activity that involves millions of people.
In geocaching, letters to numbers conversion is often used to encode coordinates or clues for others to find:
- Geocachers might use this cipher to hide the location of a cache.
- Puzzle games frequently employ this method to create challenges where players must decode messages numbers to letters or letters to numbers, or also to solve numerical puzzles involving combinations of numbers and letters.
Here's an example:
- A clue might read as: "Find the cache at N 40 12.345 W 075 23.456".
- In this case, using the A to Z cipher, you might decode "N" as 14, "W" as 23, and so on, to find the actual coordinates.
What Code Turns Numbers into Letters?
The reverse process to that of the A to Z number cipher is the one that is used to turn numbers back into letters:
- Each number corresponds to a letter in the alphabet.
- For instance, 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, and so on.
This method is commonly used in decryption processes or when solving puzzles where numbers represent letters. Encryption and decryption are processes that go hand-to-hand.
Letters to Numbers Converter: Tools and Techniques
The science of formally ciphering is a broad discipline, encompassed in the field of Cryptography, which is a formal branch of Math. Basic ciphering is usually simple to follow and often times can even be done manually.
Here are some tools and techniques that you can use for converting letters to numbers:
- Online Converters: Our website will provide you with a broad range of convertes.
- Spreadsheet Formulas: Use Excel or Google Sheets with formulas like =CODE(A1)-64 to convert letters to numbers.
- Manual Conversion: Use the A to Z cipher manually or create a chart for quick reference.

Exploring Different Letter to Number Codes
The A1Z26 is not the only coding rule that exists. It is likely among the simplest, and there are several variations to it, that allow for slightly less obvious letter to number translations:
- Standard A to Z Cipher: The baseline of coding, where A = 1, B = 2, etc.
- Shift Ciphers: Letters are shifted by a fixed number of positions in the alphabet.
- Polyalphabetic Ciphers: Use multiple substitution alphabets to encode messages.
Each method has its own applications and levels of security, but they all fall into the category easy-to-break coding.
Letter Numbers in Everyday Use
As we have mentioned before, letter numbers are not just for puzzles, and you will see them used in:
- Phone Number Mnemonics: Converting letters to numbers for easy recall.
- License Plates: Some countries use letters and numbers to create unique identifiers.
- Serial Numbers: Often include letters and numbers for product identification.

Letters Converted to Numbers for Numerology
In numerology, letters are can be converted to numbers to derive meanings or predictions in an esoterical context:
- Each letter has a corresponding number value.
- These values are summed to interpret personal traits or future events.
For example, in Pythagorean numerology:
- A, J, S = 1
- B, K, T = 2
- C, L, U = 3
- ...
Commonly Asked Questions
What is the letter B in numbers?
It depends on the coding used. If using the most basic one, the letter B corresponds to the number 2 in the A to Z number cipher.
What code turns numbers into letters?
The reverse of the cipher used (for example, the A to Z cipher), where numbers are converted back to their corresponding letters using the conversion rule "backwards".
How do you translate letters into numbers?
You can different many different rules. One of them is by using the position of each letter in the alphabet and assigning it a number from 1 to 26.
What is the A to Z number cipher?
It's a simple substitution cipher where each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number from 1 to 26, like A = 1, B = 2, etc.
More Number Conversions and Calculations
If you're interested in converting numbers to letters, our Number to Letter calculator can be a handy tool, especially for encoding messages or understanding numeric representations in different contexts.
Also, for those who need to express numbers in a more readable format, our Number to Words calculator converts numerical values into their word equivalents, which is useful for writing checks or formal documents.
When dealing with complex numbers or scientific data, you might find our Scientific Notation Calculator invaluable. It helps in simplifying very large or very small numbers into a more manageable form, making calculations and data interpretation much easier.