Your term paper/case study will be centered around "The Possibility" Restaurant case study from chapter

Your term paper/case study will be centered around "The Possibility" Restaurant case study from chapter 2, and its follow up from chapter 3, "The Possibility" Restaurant – Continued. This assignment will comply with the University requirements for a term paper of at least 10 pages for all graduate level courses. As such, I expect strict attention to APA style, including the recitation of references. While your case study will focus on the mathematical solution, you are also expected to bring value-added material in the way of outside research. Your paper should adhere to the following outline.

  1. Introduction (25% - 60/200 points)
  1. Start with the problem statements from the two case studies. Don’t simply copy from the text, but briefly restate the problem in your own terms. This should take no more than one page.
  2. Provide your value-added material from your research here. You are to research the application of operations research as applied to restaurant operations and provide a brief write-up. The write-up should take at least 3 pages. The material you provide should refer to an area of restaurant operations to which linear programming is applied, such as staff scheduling, food selection and pricing, etc.


2. Solve the problem from the chapter 2 case study. (15% - 40/200 points)

  1. Formulation of the linear programming problem with each constraint labeled. (10%)
  2. A graph of the feasible region with each extreme point labeled (X1, X2, Z). You can label the graph directly or provide a separate table of points. (5%)


3. Solve the problem from the chapter 3 case study. (35% - 70/200 points)

  1. A copy and paste of the computer solution. (5%)
  2. A copy and paste of the sensitivity report. (5%)
  3. Answer the first question from the last paragraph of the chapter 2 case study. (5%)
  4. Answer the second question from the last paragraph of the chapter 2 case study. (5%)
  5. Answer question A of the chapter 3 case study. (5%)
  6. Answer question B of the chapter 3 case study. (5%)
  7. Answer question C of the chapter 3 case study. (5%)


4. Conclusion and Recommendations (20% - 30/200 points)

  1. Recommendations on improvements or changes to the solution model based on your interpretation of the data from the sensitivity report. Examples are, what prices you might charge in keeping with the optimal product mix, the addition of resources to increase profits, etc. I am looking for your value-added input or perspective on this problem.

The material for this case study will be covered during weeks 6 and 7, so you will not be able to solve the problem until then. However, you can always begin the search for your research sources prior to that time.

You may use QM for Windows or Excel to solve your problem. I highly recommend QM for Windows since it will produce a graph of the feasible region for linear programming problems with two decision variables.

If using QM for Windows:

° The computer solution is in the solution window.

° The sensitivity report is in the range window.

° The graph of the feasible region is in the graph window.

° To copy and paste any of these windows, select the window you want to copy and then select Fileà Save As HTML. You can then insert the HTML file into your MS Word document.


If using Excel:

° The computer solution is in the original worksheet.

° The sensitivity report is in its own worksheet.

° There is no graph of the feasible region available. There is freeware and shareware on the internet you can download to produce a graph of the feasible region given the constraint lines you feed it.

° To copy and paste the solution and sensitivity report, you highlight the region you wish to copy and select File-->Copy. Then go to your Word document and select Fileà Paste Special, and paste it as a picture. Do not directly copy the cells into the document because you will wind up embedding the MS Excel application into the Word document, causing your file size to increase dramatically.


Price: $18.92
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 10 pages, 892 words and 8 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document
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