Format: Excel format (.xls file) n = 258 VARIABLES: Age: Age of student (in years) Country: Country of

Format: Excel format (.xls file)
n = 258


Age: Age of student (in years)
Country: Country of residence of student (1=Australia, 6=Malaysia, 7=Singapore)
Gender: Sex of student (1=female, 2=male)
Faculty: Faculty student enrolled through (1=Business, 2=Sciences, 3=Engineering and Surveying)
Assign1: Student mark on assignment 1 (%)
Assign2: Student mark on assignment 2 (%)
Assign3: Student mark on assignment 3 (%)
Exam: Student mark on exam (%)

Assignment question:

  1. The data set marks.xls contains information on a group of students enrolled in a university course. The information
    marks.txt provides detailed information about this data set. The file ass1.sav is the file saved in SPSS format.
    In this question we look at how students performed on assignment 1.

    a. Display the distribution of assignment 1 marks using an appropriate graph.
    b. In about 50 words describe this distribution in terms of shape, centre, spread and outliers.
    c. Determine the mean, standard deviation, median and IQR of this distribution.
    d. Which statistics are best used to measure the centre and spread? Explain.
    e. Use and appropriate graph to compare the assignment 1 results of males and females.
    f. In about 60words compare the two distributions displayed in part e in terms of shape, centre, spread and outliers.
    g. Given that students require a mark of 50% or more to pass the assignment what proportion of students did not pass assignment 1?

Question 2
Continuing with the marks data from question 1, consider whether or not assignment 1 results could provide an early indication of how students are likely to perform on the exam.
a. Use an appropriate graph to display the relationship between assignment 1 marks and exam marks.
b. Describe the form, direction and strength of this relationship in about 30 words.
c. Calculate an appropriate statistic to describe the strength of association between the two variables.
d. Find the equation of the regression line which could be used to predict exam mark from assignment 1 mark.
e. Produce a graph of the data with the regression line included.
f. Use this regression line to predict Ben's exam mark. Her mark on assignment 1 was 62%.
g. Can we conclude that Ben will pass the exam (ie get 50% or more)? Explain why or why not. Not just yes or no explanation.

Question 3
The scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (standard IQ test) for the 20-34 year age group are approximately normal distributed with mean u = 110 and standard deviation =25
a. What percentage of people in this age group have scores no more than 85?
b. In what range do the middle 80% of the scores lie?
c. Above what score do 10% of the scores lie?

Question 4
Read the following newspaper article and answer the following questions:

Aspirin may preven t bowel cancer

Washington: A study by American doctors, which involved 65 patients, concluded that a daily 81 milligram dose of aspirin could prevent cancer of the colon, the second most lethal cancer after lung cancer for both men and women in westernized countries.
Led by Dean E. Brenner of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, the medical team, whose findings were reported in the latest issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, gave the healthy participants daily aspirin doses of 40, 5, 81, 162, 324, or 648 mg.

A control group was given a placebo. By way of comparison the average aspirin painkiller tablet contains 500 milligrams of the active substance acetylsalicylic acid.
The researchers later took tissue biopsies from participants to establish the effect of the various doses.

  1. Is the study observational or experimental? Give a reason.
    b. If appropriate identify
    1.The explanatory variable(s)
    2.The response variable (s)
    3.The treatment(s)
    c. Are the four principle features of control, randomization, replication and blocking used in this study? Explain
    d. From this study can we conclude that a daily dose of 81mg of aspirin prevents cancer of the colon. Why, why not?

Question 5
A particular ethnic group have a remarkable high rate of natural immunity from malaria estimated to be 70%.
a. use an appropriate model to estimate the probability that of 20 people of this particular ethnic origin at least 15 will have natural immunity to malaria.
b. Describe the distribution of the sample proportion with natural immunity fo a village of size 120 inhabited by people from this population. Specify the parameters of this distribution.
c. Estimate the probability that the natural immunity rate will be greater than 80 in an individual village of size 120.
d. Would this probably be higher or lower for a village with fewer inhabitants?

Price: $26.22
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 13 pages, 1322 words and 8 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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