Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics For this assignment you should have the following: - An electronic

Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics

For this assignment you should have the following:

- An electronic SPSS file containing the dataset labeled: "assignment 2 data" (available on D2L)


- Access to a recent version of SPSS

- A copy of the original questionnaire entitled "1999 Resource Attitudes in Michigan Survey" (handed out in class)

- The codebook for "assignment 2 data" (below). The dataset contains data for the questions on pages 4-5 and 10-11 of the 1999 RAM survey. For a description of the methodology for this survey, see the file on D2L labeled "Methods for the 1999 RAM survey."

Using the file "assignment 2 data.sav" do the following:

  1. Run appropriate univariate analyses for each of the variables in the dataset. This will include frequencies/percentages, measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.
  1. You will need to compute an "age" variable using "yearborn."
  2. Make sure the ordinal variables are ordered correctly for analysis (this may require defining some values as missing).

2) Create graphs in SPSS for the following variables:

  1. Huntresp, neverkil, numaccid, miyears, currlive, miprop, acres1, children, educate, sex, age and income.

3) Run analyses of skewness and kurtosis for the following variables:

  1. Numaccid, miyears, acres1, children and age.

4) Write a brief description of each variable's distribution using all of the appropriate information from the analyses above.

  1. Include a description of the graph/chart for those variables for which a graph/chart was requested (in #2 above).
  2. Include a description of skewness and kurtosis for those variables analyzed in # 3 above.
Price: $35.92
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 30 pages, 592 words and 68 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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