Assignment #2 T-test Analysis of Variance Independent t-test: Select an outcome (dependent) variable and

Assignment #2

T-test & Analysis of Variance

  1. Independent t-test:

Select an outcome (dependent) variable and a grouping (independent) variable appropriate for an independent t-test.

  1. Run descriptive statistics to explore the variables and examine for the assumptions of an independent t-test. Interpret your results. (2 points)
  2. Run an independent t-test. Interpret your results. ( 2 points analysis; 4 points discussion of results)

2. One-way analysis of variance:

Select an outcome (dependent) variable and a factor (independent variable) appropriate for a one-way analysis of variance.

  1. Run descriptive statistics to explore the variables and examine for the assumptions of a one-way analysis of variance. Interpret your results. ( 2 points)
  2. Run a one-way analysis of variance. Interpret your results. (2 points analysis; 4 points discussion of results)

Hand in your output with annotations (copied to a Word document preferred) and include the syntax. Generally, more description of your logic/work and results is better than less.

Price: $20.52
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 12 pages, 852 words and 3 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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