Statistical Methods for Public Health Descriptive Statistics: 2 0 pts Download the data set fev.sav. Complete

Statistical Methods for Public Health

  1. Descriptive Statistics: 2 0 pts

Download the data set fev.sav. Complete the following:

  1. Generate numerical and graphical descriptive statistics for each of the covariates, namely, AGE, SEX, HEIGHT and SMOKING. 10 pts
  2. Briefly describe the sample characteristics based on the analysis results obtained in (1). 2 pts

  3. Generate both numerical and graphical descriptive statistics for the outcome variable FEV. Check if the distribution of this variable follows a Normal distribution. 8 pts

II. Probability: 2 0 pts

The following shows the distribution of a group of elementary school children according to their academic performance and the quality of their nutritional status.



Academics Poor(P) Good(G) Excellent(E)

Low (L) 145 70 65

Medium (M) 60 175 155

High (H) 25 55 250

Using the information presented in the Nutritional Status table, determine what the probability is that a child picked at random from this group:

  1. Had a low rating on academic performance.
  2. Was rated excellent in terms of their nutritional status.
  3. Had a low academic performance and an excellent nutritional status.
  4. Had low academic performance given that he or she had excellent nutritional status.
  5. Had high academic performance or excellent nutritional status.

IV. Normal Distribution: 2 0pts

For the Normal distribution X~N(3, 4). Use SPSS to create a normal probability table. In the first column, input numbers from -6 to +12 in the increment of 0.5, then calculate the cumulative probabilities for these numbers in the second column. Then generate a histogram showing the data distribution. Using the generated Normal probability table, find the probability of Pr(X<=5). Then use the standardization and the Table B on page 141 of the textbook to determine Pr(X<=5). Are the results from the two approaches the same?

V. Statistical Inference: 2 0pts

Download the data set body-weight.sav (used in the Week 6 Application). Complete the following using this data set:

  1. Write down the steps of a hypothesis testing for the research question: "Whether the mean body-weight in this population is 150 lb?" Use SPSS to obtain the value of the test statistic and p-value.
  2. Use SPSS to calculate a 90%, a 95% and a 99% CI for the true mean body-weight in this population. How do you interpret the findings?
Price: $21.65
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 14 pages, 765 words and 18 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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