Project Descriptions The term project will give you the opportunity to apply the statistical techniques

Project Descriptions

The term project will give you the opportunity to apply the statistical techniques you learn in this course to real-life business situations

Access raw data or a database from government, business, health, and similar official Web sites. Select a variable or variables of interest

Research Using the Web

Search the Web for real-life examples of hypothesis testing.  Try searching for this information in Web-based articles, lectures, or tutorials.  Write a few short paragraphs on what you retrieved.  What information did you find in the lectures or tutorial that embellished the information you learned in the course?

Inferential Statistics

Perform each of the steps below using Excel.  Again, explain in each case where these data came from.  Use your collected data as a sample of the population.  Describe the population that the data represents.  Interpret each of your results with a conclusion and decision.

  1. Develop a 90% confidence interval and a 95% confidence interval for the population mean.  Did you use a z statistic or t statistics?  Why?  Compare the size and meaning of the two confidence intervals.
  2. Test a hypothesis about a population mean.  Take a random sample and perform a t -test against a population mean.  Explain what assumptions you made.
  3. Test a hypothesis comparing two population means.  Collect two independent samples.  Perform a t -test using two independent samples.
Price: $15.49
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 8 pages, 749 words.
Deliverable: Word Document

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