Assignment Problem 1: Download the fluoride.sav data set and use it to answer the research question: "Is


Problem 1: Download the fluoride.sav data set and use it to answer the research question: "Is there is a change in the mean number of cavity-free children per 100 before and after the public water fluoridation project?" Use SPSS to complete the following calculations:
(1) Run a one-sample t test on DELTA.
(2) Run a paired-sample t test for the before and after mean numbers of cavity-free children to answer this research question.
(3) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the mean change.

Problem 2: Download the data set histidine.sav and use it to answer the research question: "Is there a mean difference in the 24-hour histidine excretion among men and women?" Use SPSS to complete the following calculations:
(1) Run a two-sample independent t test.
(2) Calculate a 95% CI for the mean difference in the 24-hour histidine excretion levels among men and women.

For question #1, comment on which version of the t test we should use (equal variance or unequal variance) and why?

Price: $7.32
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages, 432 words and 6 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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