Donut Graph Maker

Instructions : The following Donut Maker creates a donut chart based on the data you provide in the form below. All you have to do is type your data and the name of the categories. The tool will deliver a pie chart with the corresponding percentages for each category.

Type the frequencies (comma or space separated)
Type the category names (comma separated. Optional)
Type the title of the chart (Optional)

How to Use this Donut Chart Generator.

A donut chart, also known often times as a donut pie chart, is very similar to a pie chart, only that instead of being a full circle, there is a hollow circle in the middle when your draw of donut chart, unlike the case of a pie chart.

The difference in the representation is negligible, in the sense that the opening representing each slice are the same for pie charts and donut charts. Only there is hollowed center that appears in the donut chart that makes the difference.

Example of a donut chart

How do you make a donut graph?

The idea is exactly the same as what you do for a pie chart: you first tabulate the given data using the format Category - Frequency. Then you compute the relative frequency associated to each frequency and based on that you assign the angle defining each category.

So therefore, the radius is constant, and the angle is proportional to the frequency associated to the category, much like you do with a pie chart.

How do I make a donut chart online?

If you use our online generator, all you have to do is to provide the frequencies above and the name of the categories. Actually the name of the categories is optional, because the calculator will automatically create them if you don't provide them (like "A", "B", .... etc).

Other graphing tools for you

The donut chart is a great tool for representing categorical data. There are also other options. For example, using categorical data as well, you can use a Pareto chart maker to find the most important categories.

Or you can use also a polar plot maker to get a similar representation, but in this case with a constant angle and variable radius.

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