Function Grapher Online

Instructions: Use this Function Grapher Online to type in the function you want to plot. Most common functions are understood by this graph calculator. Type something like "4 sin(x)" or "x^2 +2x-3", etc. The grapher understands "pi" as π\pi and "e" as the Euler constant ee, so that if you type "e^x", the grapher will graph the exponential function.

Type the function: f(x)=f(x) =
(Optional) Minimum x
(Optional) Maximum x

More about this Graph Calculator

This graph calculator allows you to plot a function f(x)f(x) that you provide, for the given lower and upper limits that you provide.

So what does this chart maker really do? Essentially, it will create coordinate axes and it will plots all the pairs (x,f(x))(x, f(x)), for all xx within the lower and upper limits you specified.

What functions can I plot with this graph maker?

You may be thinking "can I plot any function I want?" The answer is yes and no. You can plot ALL the functions that can be written as a simple algebraic expression, that is well defined on the domain you specified. Otherwise the plot maker won't deliver the expected results.

Notice that often times the parentheses will not have any effect when the associative property can be used, but also, there are cases that moving a parentheses and things will change dramatically.

Other specific graph calculator you may be interested in are the scatter plot maker , used to graph points (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) from two samples.

Other graph calculators

Students love graphing tools, and this function plotter is very popular. But, there is a class of function, which is the trigonometric functions that require special treatment.

Our trig graphs calculator not only will make the graph for you but also will give you the associated parameters such as the period, frequency, amplitude and phase shift.

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