The Use Of Algebra II Calculators

Algebra basically involves the manipulation of mathematical symbols. It allows for easy expression of mathematical concepts—the overhead of writing them down is relieved. It is also useful in studying scientific and engineering disciplines in the long run.

Algebra 2 is a mathematical course in the school curricula. It allows for greater comprehension of advanced concepts such as: sums, polynomials, sequences,…. A calculator is essential in the study of this discipline. With the advances in computation, it has been possible for it to compute operations of the unknown—for example, working with variables. With its advanced speeds and precision, it has become an efficient and less costly tool for learning.

Algebra Calculator

Roles Of The Algebra Calculator

An algebra 2 calculator has very unique features. It fully guides a student in performing tasks on linear equations, trigonometry, sequences and series, polynomials, graphs, matrices…. The reasons why a lot of people have championed for its use is because; it provides for a better perception of reality by the student. That would have been virtually impossible with the traditional mathematics practice.

That compelling reason has allowed for many institutions to set up mandatory guidelines for its use. It is now common for many schools to emphasize on its importance. In addition to the current research and developments on it, it now seems that its use will be popular.

Problems Associated With Calculator Usage

In spite of the promise that the calculator has. It still has its negative effects. The primary one being, lack of comprehension for basic mathematical skills. This would be a bad start for a young child, who is to have a promising future. It has been argued that children need a strong basic foundation before they can delve into the world of aided computations. It’s usage at a somehow professional or advanced level would suffice.

The problem lies with the fact that the students would tend to forget the initial concepts later. That simply means; if they learn one simple concept, let’s say the binomial theorem, and they depend on computational power to solve it, then end results would not be positive. As some people have pointed out, it all becomes meaningless—lessons taught are bound to be forgotten.

Instead of providing a solution, the calculators make it all difficult for the student to understand a concept—that is if there was a shallow grasp of earlier concepts. Considering the traditional hand to paper approach would somehow be beneficial in some cases.


It should be wise to note that children exposed to the usage of calculators at an early age, are reported to perform poorly in later stages. The students who are also attached to using them have a higher risk of a lesser mathematical grasp.

In conclusion, as we have seen from the above points, the algebra 2 calculator has its own benefits. In fact its use in the curriculum has been advocated for. It is assumed that if the student had little over-dependence of using a calculator in the early stages of education, then the calculator would prove to be a very useful tool.

In case you have any suggestion, or if you would like to report a broken solver/calculator, please do not hesitate to contact us .

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