Facebook at Penn State. The graphic below displays Minitab output for how frequently students at the

Question: Facebook at Penn State. The graphic below displays Minitab output for how frequently students at the University Park and commonwealth campuses of Penn State who have Facebook accounts make use of their accounts. The output includes the two-way table of observed counts, the expected counts, and each cell’s contribution to the chi-square statistic.

Expected counts are printed below observed counts

Chi-Square contributions are printed below expected counts

Univ Park CommWlth Total

Monthly 55 76 131

77.56 53.44
6.562 9.524

Weekly 215 157 372

220.25 151.75
.0125 0.181

Daily 640 394 1034

612.19 421.81

1.263 1.833

Total 910 627 1537

Chi-Sq = 19.489, DF = 2, P-Value = 0.000

a) Verify from the output that the data meet the cell count requirement for use of chi-square.

b) What hypotheses do chi-square test? What is the test statistic and it’s P-value?

c) Which cells contribute the most to X2? Compare the observed and expected counts in these cells and comment on the most important differences in Facebook use between students at the two locations.

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