Is astrology scientific? The General Social Survey asked a random sample of adults about their educa

Question: Is astrology scientific? The General Social Survey asked a random sample of adults about their education and about their view of astrology as scientific or not. Here are the data for people with three levels of higher education:

Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s
Not at all scientific 169 256 114
Very of sort of scientific 65 65 18

Below gives Minitab chi-square output for these data. Use the information in the output to describe how people with these levels of education differ in their opinions about astrology. Be sure that the solving step includes data analysis and checking conditions for inference as well as a formal test.

Associate Bachelor Master All

NotScience 169 256 114 539

72.22 79.75 86.36 78.46

183.6 251.8 103.6 539.0

1.1594 0.0685 1.0518 *

Science 65 65 18 148

27.78 20.25 13.64 21.54

50.4 69.2 28.4 148.0

4.2224 0.2494 3.8304 *

All 234 321 132 687

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

234.0 321.0 132.0 687.0

* * * *

Cell Contents: Count

% of Column

Expected count

Contribution to Chi-Square

Pearson Chi-Square = 10.582, DF = 2, P-Value = 0.005

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 1 page
Deliverables: Word Document

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