In order to get a good idea of where Lee Flower Company stands in relation to its competition, Mr. L

Question: In order to get a good idea of where Lee Flower Company stands in relation to its competition, Mr. Lee sent the three green thumbs out to Wal-Mart stores in the region to measure the competition’s flowers. Since Wal-Mart prefers to have as few suppliers as possible, there’s only one other company that supplies azaleas. The “Brand X” flowers were easily identifiable, so they randomly selected flowers and took fifty measurements. The data is shown in the column named “Brand X”. While Lee Flowers has maintained an average composite score of 8.9 inches in the past, are the Brand X flowers any different, in composite score, than Lee’s? Test at a .05 level of significance. Make sure to state the null and alternative hypothesis in your test. What are your conclusions? Is there enough evidence to say they are difference, or not?

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