You are a community psychologist interested in assessing and comparing the mental health of people i

Question: You are a community psychologist interested in assessing and comparing the mental health of people in careers with supervisory positions and without supervisory positions in a corporation. The company is deciding whether it would be beneficial to include more options in the healthcare plan for employees, specifically mental healt’hcare. You know that having a supervisory position may have increased pay, but also has increased responsibility and possible stress and anxiety concerning workload; on the other hand, you know that a non-supervisory position may not have the same workload stressors, but may have decreased salary benefits and possible financial stressors at home. Because there are well-established gender differences for depression in the literature, you know that you should also include biological sex as a variable in your analysis. This will allow you to determine whether the effect of supervisory status depends on biological sex. You decide to administer the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to 48 employees since it is a validated measure for depression (0-63, higher the score= more depressed).

Supervisory Non-Supervisory
Female 49 40
57 50
53 51
56 46
61 45
57 53
59 40
44 49
65 46
53 51
45 48
51 47
Male 50 39
47 31
54 46
43 45
51 49
52 51
49 46
49 49
39 45
54 52
44 46
49 51

1a. What is (are) your research question(s)?

1b. What statistical test is appropriate for this research question?

1c. Report your results in standard format.

1d. Were any of your findings significant? If yes, which one(s)?

1e. Interpret your results.

Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution file consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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