A researcher conducts a survey in Detroit on citizen attitudes toward police. She believes that the

Question: A researcher conducts a survey in Detroit on citizen attitudes toward police. She believes that the race will affect attitudes toward the police. The survey produces the following contingency table, test of significance, and measures of association. Apply of the five steps of hypothesis testing and interpret the results.

Table 1. Attitudes toward the police by race
Attitude toward police Race Race Total
0 Nonwhite 1 White
0 Police do not do a good job 76 73 149
50.7% 24.7% 33.4%
1 Police do a good job di 74 223 297
49.3% 75.3% 66.6%
Total d1 150 296 446
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Χ2 = 30.260 (from SPSS), df=1



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