The probabilities associated with the expected principal source of payment for hospital discharges i

Question: The probabilities associated with the expected principal source of payment for hospital discharges in the U.S. in the year 1990 are list below:

Principal Source of Payment Probability

Private insurance 0.387

Medicare 0.345

Medicaid 0.116

Other govt. program 0.033

Self-payment 0.058

Other/No charge 0.028

Not stated 0.033

Total 1.000

(a) What is the probability that the principal source of payment for a given hospital discharge is the patient’s private insurance?

(b) What is the probability that the principal source of payment is Medicare, Medicaid, or some other government program?

(c) Given that the principal source of payment is a government program, what is the probability that it is Medicare?

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