A fax machine is purchased for $5,800. Its value each year is about 80% of the value of the precedi

Question: (10 points) A fax machine is purchased for $5,800. Its value each year is about 80% of the value of the preceding year. So after t years the value, in dollars, of the fax machine, V(t), is given by the exponential function

V(t) = 5800 (0.8)t.

a. Give a sketch of the graph of the function V(t). Your graph can be a “rough draft”.

b. Determine the value of the fax machine in years 0, 1 and 4. to the nearest tenth.

c. Assume that the company decides to replace the machine when the machines values reduces to $500. In how many years will the machine be replaced.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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