A supplier to the electric utility industry produces power generators. The transportation costs a

Question: 2. A supplier to the electric utility industry produces power generators. The transportation costs are high. One market area includes the lower part of the Great Lakes region and the upper portion of the southeastern region. More than 600,000 tons are to be shipped to eight major customer locations, as shown in the table below (table continues on page 4). What is the center of gravity (centroid) for the electric utilities supplier?

Customer Location Tons Shipped x,y Coordinates
Three Rivers, MI 5,000 (7, 13)
Fort Wayne, IN 92,000 (8, 12)
Columbus, OH 70,000 (11, 10)
Ashland, KY 35,000 (11, 7)
Kingsport, TN 9,000 (12, 4)
Akron, OH 227,000 (13, 11)

Wheeling, WV 16,000 (14, 10)
Roanoke, VA 153,000 (15, 5)
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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