Starting from 2001, for each year calculate yearly return for each of Dow 30 stocks. Then form 3 portfolios

  1. Starting from 2001, for each year calculate yearly return for each of Dow 30 stocks. Then form 3 portfolios of five stocks, one with worst five, one with best five and one with random five
  2. Calculate return for your three portfolios from Jan. 2001 to Jan. 2015 and which of your three portfolios gives you most return?
  3. Starting from 2006, for each year calculate 5 year average of annual returns for each of Dow 30 stocks. then  form 3 portfolios of five stocks, one with worst five, one with best five and one with random five.

c. Calculate return for your three portfolios from Jan. 2006 to Jan. 2015 and which of your three portfolios gives you most return?

You should submit your excel file and summary of your results including portfolios of each year and their returns.

Price: $7.6
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 5 pages, 260 words and 2 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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