Motivation U.S. sheep in the new year the first white president ever, which of course increases the hope


U.S. sheep in the new year the first white president ever, which of course increases the hope for ethnic integration.

It is known that the crime of our time among colored and Latinos in the U.S. are higher than for whites. This study focuses on relapse determinants, for the three largest ethnic groups in the United States.

Individual Study of the trial detainees
In an American sample reproduced in the file arrest08.xls were among others collected the following data for 2442 men who were born in 1980/1981 and who had been imprisoned at least once before 2006:

Name: Beskrivelse:
Y Number of arrests in 2006
X1 Share of arrests before 2006, which led to conviction
X2 Average execution time in months by former prisons
X3 Number of months prisons since the 18th years (before 2006)
X4 Number of months in prisons in 2006
X5 Number of quarters legal employment in 2006
X6 Income in 2006 in USD
X7 1 if the Afro-American, 0 otherwise
X8 1 if the Spanish-American, 0 otherwise

Also defined:

X1dummy 1 if the former convict, 0 otherwise
X6kvartil Quartile as x6 belongs (hereinafter referred to as 1, 2, 3 or 4)
X78 1 if the Afro-American, 2 if the Spanish-American, 3 otherwise


  1. Determine whether people who were totally unemployed, had less or more likely to relapse (arrest) than people who nevertheless had a little work.
  2. Check whether there are differences in the level of probability of relapse for Afro-Hispanic and other-American, taking into account income and legal employment.
  3. Expand the investigation of question 2 with a model also can describe how employment affects the back drop for the three ethnic groups.
  4. Estimate the proportion of previously served in the group of Afro-Americans with relapse and indicate a 95 percent confidence interval for this share. Assess whether this percentage differs significantly from the corresponding share of non-Afro-Americans, assuming that Afro-Americans represent 11.55 of the U.S. population.
  5. Show graphic correlation between the variable income and variable for the expected relapse (arrest) as the number of quarters with legal employment set equal 3 rd
Price: $18.31
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 10 pages, 831 words and 7 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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