Critical Correlation Calculator

Instructions: Enter the sample size nn and the significance level α\alpha and the solver will compute the critical correlation coefficient rcr_c.

Type the sample size (nn):
Type the significance level (α)\alpha):

How to Use this Critical Correlation Calculator

The significance of a sample correlation coefficient rr is tested using the following t-statistic:

t=rn21r2t = r \sqrt{\frac{n-2}{1-r^2}}

For a given sample size nn, the number of degrees of freedom is df=n2df = n-2, and then, a critical t-value for the given significance level α\alpha and dfdf can be found. Let us call this critical t-value tct_c. Using the expression of the t-statistic:

tc=rn21r2=rdf1r2t_c = r \sqrt{\frac{n-2}{1-r^2}} = r \sqrt{\frac{df}{1-r^2}}

and now if we solve for rr we find that

rc=tc2dftc2df+1r_c = \sqrt{\frac{\frac{t_c^2}{df}}{\frac{t_c^2}{df}+1}}

and this value of rcr_c is the so called critical correlation value used to assess the significance of the sample correlation coefficient rr. These critical correlation values are usually found in specific tables.

Observe that this calculator applies for Pearson's correlation, so you would need to use a Spearman’s Critical Correlation Calculator if you are dealing with Spearman's correlation coefficient.

If you have sample data and you want to compute the correlation coefficient, please use our correlation coefficient calculator . If you have many variables, you can also use our correlation matrix calculator .

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