Solution) We continue our analysis from Exercise 3, this time examining the relationship between social class

Question: We continue our analysis from Exercise 3, this time examining the relationship between social class (CLASS) and spending on welfare (NATFARE) and education (NATEDUC).

a. Calculate the value of chi-square for each table. What is the number of degrees of freedom
for each table?

b. Based on an alpha of .01, do you reject the null hypothesis?

Lower Class Working Class Middle _ vr Class
Spending on welfare Too little About right Too much 18 12 16 59 109 142 73 132 121
Total 46 310 326
Lower Class Working Class Middle Ujm Class gjmh
Spending on education Too little About right Too much 36 10 2 232 71 13 244 70 18
Total 48 316 332 1-
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Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
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