A researcher hypothesized that persons who were college educated would watch PBS programs more frequ

Question: A researcher hypothesized that persons who were college educated would watch PBS programs more frequently than those who had high school degrees. These data are shown below.

Respondents had:

College Degrees H.S. Degrees

Watch Often 37 10


Occasionally 51 32

Never 8 54

Is the researcher’s hypothesis correct?

Conduct the statistical test to determine this and discuss the results in both statistical and non-statistical terms. (You don’t have to use EXCEL).

What test did you choose?

What alpha level did you choose?

What is the calculated statistic; what was the critical value of the statistic?

(Show data)

What df do you have?

Is your statistic significant?

Explain your findings in words.

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The answer consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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