Is Seat Belt Use independent of Cigarette Smoking? A study of seat belt users and nonusers yielded t

Question: Is Seat Belt Use independent of Cigarette Smoking? A study of seat belt users and nonusers yielded the randomly selected sample data summarized in the given table (based on data from “What Kinds of People Do Not Use Seat Belts?” by Helsing and Comstock, American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 67, No. 11). Test the claim that the amount of smoking is independent of seat belt use. A plausible theory is that people who smoke more are less concerned about their health and safety and are therefore less inclined to wear seat belts. Is this theory supported by the sample data?

Number of Cigarettes Smoked per Day

0 1-14 15-34 35 & over

Wear Seat Belts 175 20 42 6

Don’t wear 149 17 41 9

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