Region Population Satisfaction Index Auckland 1,3


Region Population Satisfaction Index
Auckland 1,300,000 71
Canterbury 522,000 82
Otago 194,000 91
Waikato 383,000 90
Wellington 449,000 85

The table above shows the degree of satisfaction with the economy of the country in various geographical regions as indicated by a “satisfaction index”. The index is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 with higher numbers indicating a higher degree of satisfaction.

a. For each of the three data sets, indicate what the corresponding data type is and explain your choices.

b. The average satisfaction index is reported to be 79.1. The accuracy of this average is questioned because “if most of the regions have a score above 80, why is the average in the 70s”? How would you respond to this enquiry?

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Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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