Solution) In a social psychology experiment, 56 students are asked to wait individually outside a closed door.
Question: In a social psychology experiment, 56 students are asked to wait individually outside a closed door. While they are sitting outside the room waiting their turn, a person who is either well dressed or shabbily dressed walks toward them carrying a large notebook filled with loose papers. Under the pretext of stumbling, the person drops the notebook, spilling a large number of papers onto the floor. The experiment is designed to find whether there is a difference in willingness to aid a stranger as a function of whether the stranger is well or shabbily dressed.
Of the 26 participants exposed to the well-dressed clumsy person, 20 helped and 6 continued to wait their turn in the experiment. Of the 30 participants exposed to the shabbily-dressed clumsy person, 10 helped. Construct the appropriate 2X2 table and apply the chi-square test.
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