A typical college student drinks an average of 96 ounces per day of various beverages that contain c
Question: A typical college student drinks an average of 96 ounces per day of various beverages that contain caffeine. A sample of 12 students at Wallace College revealed the following amounts of beverages consumed containing caffeine:
Can we conclude that the average amount of beverages consumed containing caffeine at Ownes
College is the same as the typical college student? Use the hypothesis testing procedure.
a. State the null and alternate hypotheses. (two-tailed test)
b. State the decision rule. (Calculate critical values to answer this fully. The form is If z < zc, Reject Ho)
c. & d. Use the table (or the data in the table) shown below to compute the mean and standard deviation of the beverages containing caffeine. (You may do this
in Excel. Copy and paste table into a worksheet.)
e. Compute the value of the test statistic. (Show me the values used to calculate test statistic. Is this a \(t\) or a z?)
f. Formulate the decision rule. (Show the values used to determine test statistic including degrees of freedom and significance level. The form should be something like If t < tc, Reject H0)
g. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis? Interpret the result.
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