Do you think that initial knowledge test marks is related to composite performance indicator mark

Question: 1. Do you think that initial knowledge test marks is related to composite performance indicator marks? Is this relationship negative or positive? Display the two variables as a scatterplot, and, based on the plot, answer the questions. Further, identify what would be evidence from the scatterplot of a relationship, and is there such evidence?

Now use scatterplots to determine if any of the other three interval variables (initial knowledge test, composite performance indicator, and knowledge test given as posttest) are related to long-term composite performance indicator marks (the one obtained a month later). That is, produce and interpret scatterplots of initial knowledge marks, posttest knowledge marks, and composite performance indicator marks with long-term composite performance indicator marks.

Which of the three variables appears to have the strongest relationship with long-term composite performance indicator marks? Why did you choose the one you did?

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See Answer: The solution consists of 6 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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