The SF36 is a psychometric scale that measures quality of life. A random sample of 20 male first sem

Question: The SF36 is a psychometric scale that measures quality of life. A random sample of 20 male first semester graduate students and a random sample of 20 female first semester graduate students were taken to determine if the mean scores for quality of life differed between genders. The data are presented below.

Male Female Male Female
63 55 66 43
68 47 61 93
64 44 63 60
57 77 69 66
60 70 65 48
64 52 72 51
69 64 70 56
56 63 58 63
65 61 55 67
59 74 68 70

a) If the data is assumed to be normally distributed, what is the appropriate test? Perform that test using a =. 05.

b) If the data are assumed not to be normally distributed, one appropriate nonparametric test that can be applied is the sign test. Perform this test using a =. 05.

c) Which of these tests do you believe to be the most appropriate for the data? Justify your answer.

d) What role does the central limit theorem plat in your answer to c? Explain.

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