The following data is retail sales for the ABC Company. Period 1997 1998 1999

Question: The following data is retail sales for the ABC Company.

Period 1997 1998 1999
Jan. 98.8 105.6 106.4
Feb. 95.6 99.7 105.8
Mar. 110.2 114.2 120.4
Apr. 113.1 115.7 125.4
May 120.3 125.4 129.1
Jun. 115.0 120.4 129.0
Jul. 115.5 120.7 129.3
Aug. 121.1 124.1 131.5
Sept. 113.8 124.4 124.5
Oct. 115.8 123.8 128.3
Nov. 118.1 121.4 126.9
Dec. 138.6 152.1 157.2

a. Compute a regression line for the data to predict sales by month for the year 2000.

b. Calculate monthly seasonal indices for each month.

c. Compute a seasonally adjusted forecast for each month in 2000.

Price: $2.99
See Solution: The answer consists of 5 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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