Accuracy of Children’s Systolic Blood Pressure Obtained with a Dinamap Monitor In paper “Accuracy of

Question: Accuracy of Children’s Systolic Blood Pressure Obtained with a Dinamap Monitor

In paper “Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurement by the Dinamap Monitor in Infants in Children” in the Pediatrics (1987), Park & Menard present the results of a study comparing direct and Dinamap measured systolic blood pressures in children. Is there evidence based on the data collected that the two methods of measuring systolic blood pressure differ?

a) What parametric test could be used to analyze these data? Are there any problems with the assumptions required for this analysis? Explain. (3 pts.)

b) How could the binomial distribution be used to test for differences in mean systolic BP when using these two methods on the same patient? Explain and then conduct the test. (4 pts.)

c) Use an appropriate nonparametric inferential procedure to answer this question and summarize your findings. (4 pts.)

The data from the study are presented below.

Patient # Dinamap
Systolic BP
Systolic BP
Paired Difference
d =
1 115 115
2 81 81
3 110 110
4 136 130
5 111 111
6 91 96
7 118 118
8 97 102
9 93 93
10 96 96
11 89 84
12 86 92
13 99 99
14 99 97
15 113 113
16 127 131
17 106 110
18 111 111
19 91 91
20 96 97
21 105 112
22 93 94
23 113 113
24 83 82
25 114 115
26 117 110
27 86 82
28 106 106
29 105 102
Price: $2.99
Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 6 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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