There are four different blood types, A, B, AB, and 0. The estimated percentage of each blood type i

Question: There are four different blood types, A, B, AB, and 0. The estimated percentage of each blood type in the general population is shown below.

Type A B AB 0
40% 10% 5% 45%

In addition 85% of all people are Rh positive which means they carry the Rh factor in their blood. The other 15% are Rh negative which means that they do not have the Rh factor in their blood.

(A) Using the random number table below, simulate the selection of 20 people and determine which blood type they have. Also simulate the presence or absence of the Rh factor. Explain your procedure.

(B) Suppose that a simulation found that 9 of 20 people had Type A blood. Furthermore, suppose that the proportion of blood types shown in the table was not known. How many people would need to he sampled to estimate the true proportion of people with Type A blood within 3% at the 96% confidence level?

(C) Using the information in part (B), what is the 96% Confidence Interval for the estimate of the proportion of people who have Type A blood? Interpret this interval in the context of the problem.

(D) People with Type 0 blood can donate blood for transfusion to people with any type of blood group with the restriction that people that are Rh Positive cannot donate to people who are Rh Negative. People who are Rh Negative can donate to both Rh Positive and Rh Negative people. Suppose a blood donor is selected at random. What is the probability that a person with A Negative blood can receive a transfusion from the donor?

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Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
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