Santa is testing a new chimney descent device. He will switch to the new device only if there is evi

Question: Santa is testing a new chimney descent device. He will switch to the new device only if there is evidence that the new device yields faster descent times to your living room floor than the old system. In order to make a decision, a sample of 7 houses was selected. Santa descended into each house using both devices. Descent times, in seconds, are shown below. Under the assumption of normality, at the .01 level of significance is there statistically significant evidence that the new device yields faster descent times?

House Decent time, Old Descent time, New
1 8 6
2 4 3
3 10 7
4 9 8
5 8 5
6 7 8
7 12 9

Include in your answer the following:

a) The null and alternative hypothesis.

b) The test statistic

c) The achieved level of significance (p-value)

d) The final conclusion

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