(Partial Derivatives) Determine for each of the following functions f (x, y) if it is a s

Question: The following regression model examines the relationship between the vote share for the Labour party and various constituency level variables from the 2001 General Election in Britain. There are four models, one including all constituencies, and the other three for England, Scotland and Wales separately. Note that the figures are unstandardised regression coefficients with t-statistics in brackets.

Dependent variable: Labour vote share in the 2001 General Election (%)

All constituencies England Scotland Wales
Constant 55.34 (6.00) 90.60 (8.23) -37.35 (-1.99) -34.83 (-0.94)
Turnout % -0.68 (-5.81) -0.96 (-6.83) 0.83 (2.99) 0.25 (0.52)
Majority % 0.30 (6.92) 0.23 (4.53) 0.49 (3.99) 0.64 (5.24)
Owner-occupied households 0.19 (3.47) 0.05 (0.76) -0.19 (-1.00) 0.34 (1.30)
Professional households -0.75 (-4.49) -1.04 (-5.51) 1.29 (2.39) 1.20 (1.85)
Unemployed 1.39 (6.58) 0.81 (3.28) 2.12 (4.60) 1.97 (2.71)
R squared .56 .58 .62 .71
N 638 527 71 40

a) Interpret these models, paying attention to differences between the three regions.

b) Is there an alternative way to examine regional differences in this model?

c) Explain how you might go about improving the model.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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