The null and alternative hypotheses obtained in #11 are Ho: μ = 18 mg and Ha: μ < 18 mg
Question: #14. The null and alternative hypotheses obtained in #11 are Ho: \(\mu \) = 18 mg and Ha: \(\mu \) < 18 mg where \(\mu \) is the mean iron intake per day of all adult females under 51. Explain what each outcome would mean for Type I error, Type II error, and Correct decision. Then, suppose that the results of carrying out the hypothesis test lead to rejection of the null hypothesis, \(\mu \) = 18 mg, that is, to the conclusion that \(\mu \) < 18 mg. Classify that conclusion by erorr type or as a correct decision if in fact the mean iron intake, u, of all adult females under 51 equals the RDA of 18 mg per day and then is less than the RdA of 18 mg per day.
(a) Type I error :
(b) Type II error:
(c) Correct decision.
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