The following jobs are waiting to be processed at Rick Carlson’s machine center. Carlson’s machine c


The following jobs are waiting to be processed at Rick Carlson’s machine center. Carlson’s machine center has a relatively long backlog and sets fresh schedules every 2 weeks, which do not disturb earlier schedules. Below are the jobs received during the previous two weeks. They are ready to be schedules today, which is day 241 (day 241 is a work day). Job names refer to names of clients and contract numbers.

Job Date Job Received Production Days Needed Date Job Due
BR-02 228 15 300
CX-01 225 25 270
DE-06 230 35 320
RG-05 235 40 360
SY-11 231 30 310

a.) Complete the table below. (Show your supporting calculations.)

b.) Which dispatching rule has the best score for flow time?

c.) Which dispatching rule has the best score for utilization?

d.) Which dispatching rule has the best score for lateness?

e.) Which dispatching rule would you select? Support your decision.

Dispatching Rule Job Sequence Flow Time Utilization Average Number of Jobs Average Lateness
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