The results of a survey comparing the cost of staying one night in a full-service hotel (including f

Question: The results of a survey comparing the cost of staying one night in a full-service hotel (including food, beverages, and telephone calls, but not taxes) for several major cities is given in the following results:

New York Los Angeles Atlanta Houston Phoenix
Cost of $200 $140 $90 $95 $138
One Night $220 $150 $98 $90 $140
In Full Service $225 $130 $85 $100 $136
Hotel $250 $145 $95 $92 $148
$175 $135 $82 $98 $128

A) Does the data suggest that there is a significant difference in the average cost of one night in a full-service hotel among the five major cities at α = 0.05?

B) What assumptions were made in the test for part A?

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