The number of US business bankruptcies for various years are listed below. Year Bankruptcies (

Question: The number of US business bankruptcies for various years are listed below.

Year Bankruptcies (thousands)
1998 53
1999 41
2000 38
2001 36
2002 40

a) What about this data suggests that a quadratic model is likely to be the more

appropriate than a linear or exponential model?

b) Use regression to find a reasonable quadratic model, \(f\left( t \right)\), that represents the bankruptcies (in thousands) for the year that is t years since 1990. (Round values to three decimal places.)

c) Find \(f\left( 16 \right)\). What does your result mean in terms of the situation?

d) Find the vertex of f by hand. What does it mean in terms of the situation? Be specific.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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