Were there differences among educators from the four Program Areas (English, French, Biology, or

Question: 1. Were there differences among educators from the four Program Areas (English, French, Biology, or Physics) on their initial knowledge test marks at the workshop? On their composite performance indicator marks at the workshop?

Use analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the F-test to determine if there were overall differences in average marks for educators in the four Program Area groups. If there were differences, between which groups did these differences occur (post hoc tests)? Conduct the analyses for both the initial knowledge test and the composite performance indicator for educators in the workshop using data from Lab #4.

A significant F statistic indicates that there is likely to be at least one significant difference in means on the dependent variable between any pair of two groups (e.g., between educators whose program area was English and those whose area was Physics), or even a difference between a combination of two groups versus a third group (e.g., between English, French educators combined and Biology educators).

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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