(Analysis of Variance: Design - 18 points; Analysis - 18 points; Interpretation - 24 points). Severa

Question: (Analysis of Variance: Design – 18 points; Analysis – 18 points; Interpretation – 24 points). Several authors have suggested that some regions of the country are more likely to receive disaster declarations than other regions of the country. Other authors suggest that disaster declarations vary across presidential administrations. Still others believe that declarations vary by type of disaster. Does the probability of a major disaster declaration (if SBA declarations and emergencies are treated as turndowns [ActionType – 2 category] vary significantly by FEMA region, type of disaster, or presidential administration? (Note: this requires three separate ANOVAs). Can you tell from the variation across regional means, administration means, or disaster means which variables seems to have the greatest influence on the probability of a declaration? [Disaster Dataset 1953 to 2005]. This Question must be completed by using the “Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Declaration Database”

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 7 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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