Solution) In a 1985 examination of the economic and political determinants of foreign direct invest

Question: Question 6

In a 1985 examination of the economic and political determinants of foreign direct investment Schneider and Frey argued that the amount of direct foreign investment a country attracts is related to the size of its gross national product, its balance of trade and its level of political risk.

From an analysis of the data for a random sample of countries contained in file “Question 6 Data”, would you support their argument?

If multi-collinearity caused a problem in the analysis, what steps did you take to mitigate its effect?

The structure of the file is as indicated below

Country Foreign Direct Investment ($B) Gross National Product ($B) Trade Balance ($B) Political Risk
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Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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