Voltage Amounts Data Set 13 in Appendix B lists voltage amounts measured from electricity supplied d

Question: Voltage Amounts

Data Set 13 in Appendix B lists voltage amounts measured from electricity supplied directly to the author’s hoMean independent Generac generator (model PP 5000), and an uninterruptible power supply (APC model CS 350) connected to the author’s home power supply. The results are shown below for analysis of variance obtained using JMP software. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the three power supplies have the same mean voltage. Can electrical appliances be expected to behave the same way when run from the three different power sources?


DF Sum of Sqrs Mean Square F Ratio Prob>F


Column 2 2 28.81667 14.7083 183.0126 <.0001*

Error 117 9.211250 0.0787

C. Total 119 38.027917

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