A researcher examines the factors of “worker status” (A) and “type of work group” (B) on worker’s pr

Question: A researcher examines the factors of “worker status” (A) and “type of work group” (B) on worker’s productivity (measured in units of products produced per day). Below are the data from this study. Present the analysis of the variance summary table and interpret the results

Factor B

Factor B

b1 (solitary) b2 (pairs) b3 (groups)
a1 (low) 3 2 6
6 3 8
5 6 7
2 4 9
3 6 5
Factor A 5 8 7
a2 (medium) 4 9 10
3 7 6
8 9 9
2 8 9
3 6 11
5 7 7
a3 3 8 10
6 6 8
6 8 14
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Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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