To compare three brands of computer keyboards, four entry specialists were randomly selected. Each s

Question: To compare three brands of computer keyboards, four entry specialists were

randomly selected. Each specialist used all three keyboards to enter the same kind of text material for ten minutes, and the number of words entered per minute was recorded. This data is recorded in the table below:

Keyboard Brand

Data Specialist A B C

1 77 67 63

2 71 62 59

3 74 63 59

4 67 57 54

a. Input your data in Minitab and obtain your output. (Hint: You will be using two-way Anova; your treatments are your keyboard and the block is the brand. You can go into Minitab under two-way Anova and Help to get some additional information. In inputting your data you must identify, to your computer, each data value and what corresponding treatment and block that value belongs to. I will get you started:

Row C1 Brand Specialist

1 77 1 1

2 71 1 2

3 74 1 3

4 67 1 4

5 67 2 1

6 62 2 2

You can continue from here. You will read in 12 rows of data with three observations per row.

b. Use the F values from your output to test both the Brand factor and the specialist factor for significance. Let alpha = .05.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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